Supply Of Brinjal, Cucumber, Lady Finger, Pumpkin, Tinda, Bitter Gourd, Cabbage, Spinach Country, Tomato Ripe, Chillies Green, Coconout Whole Fibre, Corriander Green, Ginger Green, Fresh Lime, Bottle Gourd, Capsicum, Parwal, Tori Jinga, Banana, Mangoes, M
TK ID 500251999
Document Type
Contract Awards
Tender Summary
Supply Of Brinjal, Cucumber, Lady Finger, Pumpkin, Tinda, Bitter Gourd, Cabbage, Spinach Country, Tomato Ripe, Chillies Green, Coconout Whole Fibre, Corriander Green, Ginger Green, Fresh Lime, Bottle Gourd, Capsicum, Parwal, Tori Jinga, Banana, Mangoes, M
Action Deadline
10 Sep 2024
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