- Oil & Gas Drilling Machinery
Peru Acquisition Of Oil Absorbents For Offshore Operations Of Lot Z69
25 Sep 2024
Peru Consulting Service For The Study Of Natural Gas Demand In The Regions Of Amazonas, Huánuco, Loreto, Madre De Dios, Pasco And San Martin, As Well As The Natural Gas Demand Of The Entire Geographical Area Of The Vraem
01 Oct 2024
Peru Contracting Of Construction Consultancy Services For The Preparation Of The Technical File Of The Project Improvement Of The Educational Services Of The Narciso Villanueva Manzo Public Technological Higher Education Institute Of The District Of Conchucos
Estimated Cost :551000 -
23 Sep 2024
Peru Design, Construction And Equipment Of The Investment Project: Improvement And Expansion Of The Higher Pedagogical Education Service In The I.s.p.p. Of Azángaro, District Of Azángaro, Province Of Azángaro, Department Of Puno
20 Sep 2024
Peru Contracting of construction consultancy service, preparation of the technical file of the project called: improvement of the early childhood education service, primary education service and secondary education service in the i.e. father nicolas giner district of requena of the province of requena of
Estimated Cost :600000 -
25 Sep 2024
Peru Contracting of construction consultancy service, preparation of the technical file for the project called: improvement of the early childhood education service in 8 production units 8 populations in the requena district of the requena province of the loreto department_ - contracting of construction
Estimated Cost :599572 -
25 Sep 2024
Peru Contracting of construction consultancy services for the supervision of the execution of the work: "improvement of jhon f. kennedy avenue between augusto b. leguia and centenario avenue, coronel portillo province - ucayali". cui n° 2178552
Estimated Cost :1553191 -
25 Sep 2024
Showing : 7